Saturday, July 02, 2005

What is the NTI/NTU Alumni CF (NTIUACF)?

It is the Christian Fellowship for the Graduates from NTI/NTU. Primarily formed by those who have benefited in one way or another when they were part of the Christian Fellowship in campus. But also includes those graduates who did not know Christ while in Campus but have received Jesus into their lives since graduation.


Blogger FT said...

The alumni acronym (NTIUACF) is difficult to mouth. Why not open up to the creative minds of everyone in the alumni, esp those with mass communication and marketing background , to give it a suitable name? Just to kickstart - Eg NanyangCF@MarketPlace ; Christ4all@NanyangCF etc... This may also be the first “project” to “find a name for the alumni” and create some buzz ? Just a thot.

Daniel Wong

5:37 PM  
Blogger FT said...

Agreed with Dan for a more creative name. However felt that NTI or NTU will stick more in the minds of us alumnus rather than Nanyang. How we can juggle will be a good challenge for creative minds.

Pow Look

5:40 PM  

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